Accountability Care Organization: Final Rule Released

The Illinois Chiropractic Society diligently watches and responds to governmental rule change proposals. Over the last year, CMS has issued proposed rules for the CMS Shared Savings/Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Program, and the ICS has responded, along with many of our state and national association brethren.
As a result of our coordinated efforts, CMS has modified the proposed rule, saying, “We received many comments from chiropractors and chiropractor associations recommending that the definition of Accountable Care Organization professional for purposes of the Shared Savings Program should be expanded to include chiropractors. These commenters cited the quality and cost efficiency of chiropractic services, and many also cited other statutory definitions of “physician” as precedents for including chiropractors within the definition of “physician” under the Shared Savings Program.”
ICS Communications with CMS
The Illinois Chiropractic Society told CMS in our comments last November, “We strongly believe that doctors of chiropractic should play an important role in bringing their patient-centered focus to the Accountable Care Organization structure. DCs have been shown to be effective portal of entry, primary care providers, examining, treating, diagnosing, managing, co-managing or referring patients who present for care.” Additionally, along with case study references and other information, the ICS told CMS in May, “Broadening patient choices and access to multiple care pathways by the inclusion of chiropractic physicians as participating providers in ACOs could lead to cost savings as research has demonstrated that patients often use care provided by doctors of chiropractic as a reliable and effective substitute care for medical care.”
Following the coordinated chiropractic effort led by the Chiropractic Summit, CMS has released its final rule which now states, nothing would “preclude Medicare enrolled chiropractors from participating in ACOs, or from sharing in the savings that an Accountable Care Organization may realize in part because of the quality and cost-effective services they may be able to provide.”
The ICS would like to thank the Chiropractic Summit, the American Chiropractic Association, and the Congress of Chiropractic State Associations for their leadership in this effort. This success demonstrates the power of a unified and collective effort on behalf of this profession. If you would like to have more information about the ICS and other reasons to invest in your profession, please visit www.ilchiro.org/.