5 Tips to Using Facebook for Your Office

5 Tips to Using Facebook for Your Office

With over 2 billion active users and Facebook’s enormous reach, your business cannot afford to miss utilizing this marketing goldmine. One-third (32%) of Facebook users engage with brands regularly. From business pages to paid advertising, Facebook offers multiple ways to stay in touch with current clients and even get new ones! Here are just a few ways to use Facebook to help your business grow!

Basic Facebook Guidelines,Tips, and Thoughts:

1. Business Page – Branding

a. Always use your logo as your picture to ensure the user knows exactly who you are.
b. Use a cover photo, something catchy or creative to show what is unique about your business. This may be changed based on holidays, events or special announcements for your practice.
c. Have updated, clear information in the ‘About’ Section, including hours, location, contact info, etc. Having an awesome business page won’t matter if no one can get a hold of you!
d. Have your page verified so that users know that you are legitimate, professional, and credible. Facebook will actually call you to verify your office!
e. Keep it real. Facebook is all about relating and connecting to others. People want to feel that they can get to know your business and to be able to trust it. Whether your message and is clean and clear, or if you are quirky and unique, make sure to always be you.


2. Audience Engagement – Free marketing

a. The best way to reach potential customers is through interactions on Facebook.
b. Use Facebook to interact. Post office events. Create private groups for specific communication.
c. BE RESPONSIVE. Make sure to always respond to a user’s comments or messages. 5 billion comments are left on Facebook pages monthly. Building a loyal following is so important, and you need to let them know they matter to you! Facebook will track how long it takes you to respond to messages, so stay on top of your page. 42% of customer service responses happen during the first 60 minutes.
d. Do not over-post! No one wants to be spammed. Try to post at most 1-2 content items a day. You can use Facebook to schedule posts in advance so you can always be sure to keep on track.
e. Have interesting content/posts that invokes comments, thoughts, and reactions. Contests, videos, and questions are always sure to get the user to interact. Show your followers what exercises look like, or a quick office tour. You can even do a Facebook live session and have viewers ask you questions!

3. Testimonials

a. Yelp is usually the first place I would think to look at for business reviews, but Facebook is another great place that your customers can leave their thoughts and ratings!
b. Ask your current patients to share their feelings. The more highly rated your business, the more likely a potential customer will reach out to you.
c. Sometimes clients review the WRONG office, so make sure to monitor this as well. If you see a low ranking review, address it by messaging the individual privately to attempt to resolve the issue and confirm he or she received care in your office.

4. Insights-Defining Target Audience

a. Insights are so important. These help you understand how many people you’re actually reaching and who your audience is! Once you know who is paying attention, then you can tailor your content to their specific wants and needs.
b. When you know what types of content are getting more click action, then this can help you determine what types of posts work best for your business platform.

5. Facebook Ads-Paid Promotions

a. You do not have to spend a lot of your marketing budget to boost your reach on Facebook. There are a variety of ways that you can use paid promotion. If you see that a particular post is doing well, you can boost that post starting at a low cost.
b. Facebook will even help you develop ads specific to meeting your business goals. You can also use paid promotion to share your Fan Page with a wider audience, promote your local business and your website!

Be proud of your business and share your page. Add it to your website and business cards.  Promote it on your other social networks. Share it with friends, family, and colleagues. Facebook has infinite ways to help you stay in touch with past, present, and potential clients.

Happy Connecting!

About Author

Jordan Leasure, DC

Dr. Jordan was born and raised in Libertyville, IL. She graduated from Lake Forest College majoring in chemistry and business and became a licensed Chiropractor in Illinois in 2006. Dr. Jordan received her Certified Chiropractic Wellness Practitioner certificate in 2010, to better enable her to educate the public on how to Eat Well – Move Well and Think Well. Her focus is overall health and wellness, and being a former high school and collegiate athlete; sports injuries.

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