2017 Chiropractic Physician of the Year Award

Illinois Chiropractic Society Recognizes Drs. Richard Everett and Barbara Swalve-Everett
with Prestigious Chiropractic Physician of the Year Award

(October 25, 2017 – Springfield, IL) – The Illinois Chiropractic Society (ICS) is proud to announce Dr. Barbara Swalve-Everett, chiropractic physician, and Dr. Richard Everett, chiropractic physician, as co-recipients of the 2017 Chiropractic Physicians of the Year award. Drs. Everett, full-time practitioners in Princeton, Illinois, were selected for their service to their patients, profession, and community.
In addition to his abilities and exceptional contributions to the health of his patients, Dr. Richard Everett has given back to the profession by serving 25 years as a chiropractic representative to the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) Sports Medicine Advisory Committee. Additionally, Dr. Everett has served the community of Princeton by volunteering as the team physician for his local high school for 28 years.
Dr. Barbara Swalve-Everett continues to improve the lives of her patients while giving selflessly of her time and talent to local high school athletes, through speaking engagements at regional college events and by serving on several community boards, including the Zearing scholarship board.
“Both Dr. Richard and Dr. Barbara successfully balance their professional and personal lives and have been tremendous supporters of our profession and the Illinois Chiropractic Society,” said Dr. Tim Bertelsman, ICS President. “Their 33 years of exemplary service as a health care team is a shining example for all health care practitioners.”
ICS History
Founded in 1926 as a not-for-profit organization, the Illinois Chiropractic Society represents the chiropractic profession in Illinois and is acknowledged in the Illinois Medical Practice Act of 1987. The Illinois Chiropractic Society is the unified voice for chiropractic in Illinois and a strong promoter of the chiropractic profession under the banner of “Natural First!” The ICS is proud of its chiropractic physicians, who are valuable members of their patient’s health care team, serving as the natural first experts alongside other providers. Should anyone have questions regarding chiropractic in Illinois, please visit www.ilchiro.org/ or call the ICS at (217) 525-1200.