License Renewal Notices: 3 Things to Know
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Here are three essential things you need to know as chiropractic license renewals are now underway!
Many of you received an email yesterday from the state of Illinois telling you that your license is in renewal, the email would have come from the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation or IDFPR. And that is true your license is now in renewal, they have opened that up on the website. And it is due to be completed by July 31 of 2023.
There are three things I want to tell you about today that I think are really, really important to know. One is, you will notice if you click on the link that takes you in to do your renewal, you will see a warning that due to a number of professions getting a notice that their license is in renewal at the same time to have a high volume of traffic. And they’re slowly adding all the different license numbers, if you will, into the system to be able to renew, I talked to two different doctors over the last start more than two but two different doctors over the last couple of days specifically one was able to renew the other one cannot yet. So what I would tell you is don’t forget you still have more than three and a half months as of today to be able to renew that license. You know, you could wait that two to four days, wait until next week, wait until the following week. And the system should lighten up a little bit and you would be able to get in and complete your renewal. So that’s the first thing.
The second thing I want to make sure that everyone is aware of is when you renew, don’t be shocked when you get to the payment side of things. And you find that the state is waiving your renewal fee this year, that is actually true for a lot of the essential healthcare workers during the pandemic last year, and we and we notified you all this last summer. But last year, the state passed legislation, and the governor signed into law a provision that waives your renewal for this year. So you will not have renewal fees when you renew. So you’ll be able to complete the renewal and not pay any fees.
The third thing I want to tell you about is to make sure when you go to renew that you actually completed all of your continuing education requirements. That’s 150 hours total, 90 of which can be category two, but it minimum of at least 60 have to be category one. And additionally, you have to take those four mandated courses as well, which include sexual harassment prevention training, implicit bias, as well as, as well as the Alzheimer’s course. And the mandated reporter training that comes directly from the state. So all four of those courses, and the minimum of 60 have 60 category one hours and the total of 150 total hours have to be completed for this three-year cycle when you renew. So don’t renew early, don’t renew, and then go get your classes done. Make sure because when you do that renewal, you’re signing an affidavit. Next week, we’re going to do a walkthrough hopefully as long as we can get into the system. We’re going to do a walkthrough to show everybody exactly what steps you need to take in order to get your renewal done and we’ll get that posted out for you then. Again, take a deep breath. We have plenty of time there’s no rush. The second is congratulations and surprise. For some of you anyway, when you go to actually renew you will find that your fees have been waived and the last is to make sure you get your CE completed when you do that renewal. We’ll catch you next week.