Can the ABN Form Be Signed Electronically?
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Curious about whether the ABN form can be electronically signed? The answer is a resounding yes! Check out the video to discover more.
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We took a call yesterday from one of our members who was looking to improve the delivery of much of their paperwork. And the question that he asked was, you know, can we deliver the ABN electronically? Can we have them sign it electronically? You know, can we deliver electronically? And the short answer is, yes. The short answer is yes. Because CMS in their manual that deals with the ABN form addresses the electronic delivery of the ABN form. And here’s what they say the electronic issuance of the ABN is not prohibited. In other words, you can do it. So if you elect to issue the ABN that’s viewed on an electronic screen. Now, this is really, really important at that moment, you have to make sure you have asked the patient or inform the patient that they can receive a copy of that electronically.
Now, you could just deliver it to them if they’ve already agreed to receive that information electronically and provide it for them in that fashion. But ultimately, the answer is yes. Through their issuance in this particular section of the manual, which is the quote-unquote, the electronic issuance of the ABN. In that particular section. They provide both the ability for you to collect digital signatures or electronic signatures on the ABN and deliver that ABN form electronically. Of course, in these cases, you want to make sure that you do follow all of the HIPAA rules in regards to delivering of ePHI to patients and make sure that you’ve dotted your I’s and cross your t’s in that area and that you’ve updated your privacy policy to very clearly indicate that you can deliver these and especially ABN form electronically, but hopefully this information helped you out and we’ll catch you next week.