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LEP Translation Requirement Solution

The ICS highlights accommodations required for patients with limited English proficiency, as well as those with vision, hearing, and speech challenges. To provide easy access and affordability, Danny Chang from Voyce introduces a cost-effective solution for chiropractic practices, facilitating communication with patients with diverse abilities.

Important Links:

Information on 1557 Rule
LEP Requirements
Learn more about Voyce
Voyce website




For a while now, you have heard the Illinois Chiropractic Society, talk to our members and to our doctors around the state about how important it is to make sure that you’re adhering to the Americans with Disabilities Act, the ADA. And its application to limited English proficiency, as well as some of the 1557 requirements. But we’ve got plenty of information and articles on both of those issues. But our biggest hang up has always been how is this affordable? How can we make this affordable for your practice, especially when we start talking about potential travel times for translators, you know, when you’re talking about the variety of different languages that are involved, as well as ASL, so I’m asked actually, Danny Chang with Voyce to join me today, and we’re going to talk to you a little bit about what voice has, and what they could deliver to your practice and the ease, Danny,

Danny Chang:

Thank you so much, Marc, we’re really, really excited to be working with you. And just wanted to quickly show everybody what exactly is Voyce, you know, a patient comes in, a family member comes in, and they have trouble communicating language barriers, they might need a sign language interpreter. And as Marc said, this can be timely, it can be expensive, finding people to come over to your location. But with Voyce, any device that has an internet connection, a camera, a microphone, you can get voice. So I have an iPad here. This is the Voyce application. I have a unique login. And I just hit Get interpreter. The last language I picked was Filipino Tagalog. By this, here’s the top 20 languages that I have requested on this device. But I have access to over 240 languages. These are medically certified interpreters, I’m sure one that you get a lot is probably Spanish. And just hit Next. And then it’s gonna find me a medically certified interpreter to come over call audio or video. And you’re only charged for the time spent with an interpreter. So you no longer have to worry about, you know, gas fees. Having somebody for an hour if it’s a five minute conversation. It’s ringing now.


Anna and I will be your Spanish interpreter ID numbers 1103554. Everything you say will remain confidential. How may I help you today?

Danny Chang:

Hi, Anna, we’re just doing a demonstration. Can you please ask the patient where they are experiencing any pain? And if they’re taking any medication currently?


Sure, happy to help. I just got into this myself to the patient.

Danny Chang:

Thank you. You’re great.


Is there anything else I can help you with?

Danny Chang:

That’s it, Anna, thank you.

Danny Chang:

And you’ll see the interpreter is available. It says for one minute after the call in case something else comes up. The ID is right there. So you can record it for any compliance purposes. Otherwise, you hit on done. There’s a rating screen, I thought Anna was excellent. Give her five stars. And that’s Voyce it’s 99 cents a minute for spoken languages. For ASL sign language, it’s about $1.49 Just given the certifications that are required. But you’re only charged for the time spent with an interpreter. So if you have this on standby, you have the application, you’re signed up with us. And you use zero minutes for a month, you get charged $0. And it’s easy as that we’re trying to reduce language barriers, help folks, you know, remain compliance as easy as possible and for as low a cost as possible because we don’t want these barriers to exist. Mark, thank you so much for the time. Appreciate it.


Thanks, Danny. And again, just to clarify, remember, this is one of those requirements that sometimes can feel like a pain but instead in this regard, just to remind everyone that this is one of those compliance areas that there is a solution for and there may be other companies out there like Voyce but I will tell you, Danny, when we met actually at HIMSS in Chicago at the Health IT conference up in Chicago, thoroughly impressed with voice and what they have done and we wanted to make sure that we pass this tool in this possibility on to you as a chiropractic physician here in Illinois. Thank you and thank you, Danny.

Danny Chang:

Thank you so much, Mark. And yeah, we look forward to working with all of you.


Sounds great. We’ll catch you next week.

About Author

Marc Abla, CAE

Marc Abla began working at the Illinois Chiropractic Society in 2002 and became the Executive Director in 2008. He brings his extensive financial, administrative and association experience to the ICS. He is a Certified Association Executive and a graduate of the Certified Leadership Series through the Illinois Society of Association Executives. Additionally, he is a member of the Illinois Society of Association Executives, the American Society of Association Executives, Association Forum, Congress of Chiropractic State Associations, and the American Chiropractic Association.

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