Chiropractic Basics of the Pediatric Examination
Dr. Jennifer Illes presents “Pediatric ABCs” at the 2024 Illinois Chiropractic Society Virtual Heartland Symposium, showcasing essential examination techniques and safe chiropractic care for children. Watch to learn more!
Register for the 2024 Virtual Heartland Symposium here.
Hi everybody, my name is Dr. Jennifer Illes and I’m extremely honored and grateful to be your kickoff speaker for the 2024 Illinois Chiropractic Society Virtual Heartland Symposium. This symposium focuses quite a bit on the pediatric population. And that’s important because they are considered a vulnerable population. In this two-hour kickoff presentation, as you see here, Pediatric ABCs, we’re going to talk about the pediatric examination, not only the examination, but of course, the history that leads up to doing the appropriate exam.
We’ll learn about red flags that you’ll have to look for and potential referrals or discharges out of your office immediately. Another thing we’ll discuss is the flow of the chiropractic exam. What would be important to do, when, and why? We’ll show you a video on how to do the examination and then talk about scientific literature to help with the efficacy and safety of manipulation and chiropractic care for the pediatric population. Looking forward to being your speaker, and of course, helping educate you and you educating me as well about pediatrics. So excited to be here. I’ll see you soon.