Advocating for Chiropractic: ICS Heads to Washington
The Illinois Chiropractic Society is in Washington, D.C., advocating for Medicare Modernization with strong support for new bills H.R. 539 and S. 106. Watch the video to learn more!
I’m at the airport early this morning as a group of chiropractic physicians and Illinois Chiropractic Society staff members are headed to Washington, DC to continue to press Congress to take action regarding Medicare and other payment disparities.
Now we weren’t able to get the Medicare Modernization Act to pass last congressional session. But the good news is, bills have already been introduced to address it again in this Congress. And that’s House Resolution 539, and Senate 106 both have been introduced. Both have great sponsors. The good news is that we continue to have fantastic support and leadership. As a matter of fact, the current chairperson of Ways and Means is a previous sponsor of Medicare Modernization for Chiropractic.
So we wanted to let you know that we’re continuing our efforts to address the issues that impact your practice with lobbying and advocacy efforts, both here in Illinois and also in Washington. We’ll keep you updated and send you some additional information about this in the coming weeks, so we’ll catch you next week.