The Olympics and Your Practice

Most of you are aware that the Winter Olympics begin tonight (February 3, 2022) and continue for the next two weeks. The Illinois Chiropractic Society wants you to be aware of assets you can use in your practice on your social media pages.
First, the Illinois Chiropractic Society will be publishing sports and Olympic-related posts on our social media accounts throughout the Olympics. Please feel free to share these posts on your social media accounts.
You can find our social media accounts here:
Also, the Illinois Chiropractic Society provides our members group membership to the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (F4CP). The following F4CP Olympic marketing assets are available to use in your practice and your social media accounts.
Click and Share or Print the following:
Olympic Related Posters:
Find out more about F4CP’s extensive efforts here.
ICS members can find more information about accessing their F4CP account here (access instructions after logging into your ICS account).
Get started tonight!