Member Spotlight – Dr. Linda Zange

Editor’s note: Do you know someone who deserves recognition for distinguished service to the ICS, the chiropractic profession, patients, or community? Please submit names, a brief statement, and supporting information to the ICS here.
The ICS proudly salutes Dr. Linda Zange on 52 years of distinguished membership in the Society, as well as her outstanding, generous, and sustained service to the profession. The list of Dr. Zange’s accomplishments is far too long to recite here, but following are just some of the highlights:
Dr. Zange received her Doctor of Chiropractic degree from National College of Chiropractic and achieved Diplomate status in the American Board of Chiropractic Orthopedists (DABCO), the American Board of Forensic Professionals (DABFP), the American Board of Chiropractic Acupuncture (DABCA), as well as Fellow status in the Academy of Chiropractic Orthopedists (FACO). She has been licensed as a chiropractic physician for over fifty years in Illinois, during which time she also maintained licenses in Iowa and Michigan. In addition, Dr. Zange is an Illinois licensed acupuncturist! With her advanced training, Dr. Zange has helped many grateful patients in her long-running private practice.
Dr. Zange is known far and wide for her lifelong leadership in the profession at the state and national levels. Her service to the ICS has been extensive and invaluable. In addition to her consistent 50+ years of membership, she has served in various leadership roles on the ICS Board of Directors and on multiple committees.
One of Dr. Zange’s most critical ICS roles is her long-time service as Chair of the Continuing Medical Education Committee. The State of Illinois relies on the ICS, an approved CME sponsor, to ensure that our course content meets stringent requirements for CME approval. When presenters submit course material for CME approval, Dr. Zange carefully reviews the information to determine whether it meets rule requirements and qualifies to be presented under ICS sponsorship. The ICS cannot overstate its appreciation for Dr. Zange’s expert review, which ensures compliance with regulatory standards and upholds the stature of the ICS so as to warrant the State’s continued trust in the Society.
Dr. Zange was also appointed by the Governor to serve on the State of Illinois Medical Disciplinary Board, reviewing cases and providing important technical/medical oversight to make recommendations to the Department in those cases. As the only chiropractic physician member of the Board, Dr. Zange served for eight years and was elected to the respected position of board chair among a majority of medical doctors. She articulately represented both the ICS and the profession as a whole, demonstrating professionalism in guiding the Department on matters of scope of practice, standard of care, and ethics.
At the national level, Dr. Zange has served on the American Chiropractic Association Board of Governors and the House of Delegates, as well as dozens of ACA committees and councils. She was active on the Orthopedic Council for decades, including service at all levels of leadership up to Committee Chair. She has been bestowed with multiple high ACA honors, including the Presidential Award, the Chairman’s Award, the Delegate of the Year Award, and the Board of Governors Service Award, to name only a few.
The ICS gratefully acknowledges Dr. Zange for her enduring contributions to our association and the chiropractic profession as a whole. Please join us in extending our heartfelt appreciation and thanks to Dr. Linda Zange!