Illinois General Election

The November 8 Illinois General Election made a statement in this State. In a year that was predicted to be favorable for Republicans across the country, the Illinois Democratic Party showed that it was firmly in charge up and down the ballot. Nonetheless, for chiropractic physicians in Illinois and the Illinois Chiropractic Society, the political swings do not change our legislative approach or agenda. With always the best interests of our patients and the chiropractic profession in mind, our issues are truly non-partisan. ICS initiatives and positions are sound and grounded in good faith, and we bring to light issues that all legislators can appreciate, regardless of political party.

State Results

It was nearly a clean sweep for Democrats in the Illinois 2022 General Election on November 8. They easily maintained control of all six constitutional offices, with Governor JB Pritzker and Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton defeating Republican challengers Darren Bailey and Stephanie Trussell for the top spots. Incumbents Kwame Raoul (Attorney General), Susana Mendoza (Comptroller), and Michael Frerichs (Treasurer), also cruised to victory over their Republican challengers. In an open seat, Democrat Alexi Giannoulias defeated Republican Dan Brady for the Secretary of State position.

In the General Assembly, Democrats held on to their supermajority status as they only lost one seat in the Senate and picked up seats in the House of Representatives. With the Governor’s office and both legislative chambers firmly in their grasp, Democrats will be in a strong position to set the agenda and the tone for the new 103rd General Assembly beginning in January.  

Chiropractic Physician Wins House Seat

One of the brightest results from election night was the election of chiropractic physician Dr. Kevin Schmidt, a Republican from Millstadt, who pulled off an upset in the race in southwestern Illinois in the St. Louis Metro East area. Dr. Schmidt was victorious in the Illinois House of Representatives 114th district over incumbent LaToya Greenwood of East St. Louis. Dr. Schmidt, owner of Schmidt Chiropractic and an ICS member, has been practicing for over 16 years.

Dr. Schmidt, who had entered the political fray once before, was not given much of a chance by political insiders, as he was running in what was thought to be a safe seat for the Democrats. His hard work and dogged intensity, however, pulled him through in a very tight race. In fact, the winner was not determined for several days after the election while mail-in ballots were still being counted.

We look forward to working with Dr. Schmidt in the new legislative session. Having someone who intimately knows the issues of chiropractic and the medical world will be refreshing in the Illinois House.

Federal Results

Democrat incumbent Senator Tammy Duckworth was propelled to victory for a second six-year term over Republican Kathy Salvi. Democrat wins in a couple of competitive congressional districts helped make for a big election night as their party now holds 14 of the 17 congressional seats in the State. Only central Illinois Congressman Darin LaHood and southern Illinois Representatives Mary Miller and Mike Bost are left standing for the Republicans.

Election Day Fallout in the State of Illinois

After the bruising election day results, Republicans looked immediately for a change in leadership. Shortly after the election, Illinois House Minority Leader Jim Durkin (R-Western Springs) announced that he would step down from his leadership post. The caucus then voted to elect State Representative Tony McCombie (R-Savannah) as the new Minority Leader. She will be the first Republican Leader in the House in decades who is not a resident of the Chicago suburban area.

In the Senate, Senator John Curran (R-Lemont) challenged Senator Dan McConchie (R-Lake Zurich) for the top spot in that chamber. Curran was elected unanimously as the new Senate Minority Leader. Democratic leadership remains the same in the state legislature. Senate President Don Harmon (D-Oak Park) continues to lead his party in that chamber, while Speaker of the House Emanuel “Chris” Welch remains at the helm in the House.

About Author

Ben Schwarm

Ben Schwarm brings a wealth of experience in government relations, advocacy and member service from a successful career at previous member-driven organizations. He has worked with state legislators, members of Congress and governors to bring positive results and find common sense solutions to legislative problems. Ben is a graduate of Illinois State University where he concentrated on Mass Communications and Public Relations.

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