2019 PAC Winners!!!

2019 PAC Winners!!!


We want to thank the chiropractic physicians who have contributed to the ILChiro Political Action Committee (PAC) over the past year.  The ILChiro PAC is a critical component of our advocacy efforts. Without your continued support, our efforts would not be possible.  

The ILChiro PAC works for you and the profession each and every day. Our work is not limited to one particular time of year; it is year-round. Your constant support and contributions allow us to advocate continuously for our doctors and their patients.


Thank you!

We would like to take this opportunity to recognize the 2019 October PAC Raffle winners that were announced at the 2019 Chicago National Convention.

2019 October PAC Raffle Winners

iPad: Dr. Mary Huffman

Smart Water Bottle: Dr. David Tam

Framed Governor’s Proclamation: Dr. Mark Wade

As a special thank you to our generous donors who have contributed over the past year, we want to recognize them below:

Crusader ($1200 Donor Level)

Dr. Marc Strongin

Champion ($600 Level)

Dr. Matthew Chenault

Dr. John Hancock

Dr. Jack Sharratt

Dr. Kelly Stanfield

Dr. Sheila Woodrow

Advocate ($360 Donor Level)

Dr. Timothy Bertelsman

Dr. Julie Bird

Dr. Clint Jackson

Dr. David Johnson

Dr. Douglas Matzner

Dr. Mark Wade

Dr. Dianna Welty

Dr. Mark Wiegand

Ally ($200 Donor Level)

Dr. Joseph Coler

Dr. Erin Ducat

Dr. Timothy Erickson

Dr. Mary Huffman

Dr. Thomas Koehler

Dr. Kevin Moore

Dr. Leslie Quiram

Dr. John Rana

Dr. Craig Revermann

Dr. Barbara Swalve Everett

Dr. Shane Wade

Dr. David Weber

All Other Donors

Dr. Anastasia Akrivos

Dr. Craig Andresen

Dr. John Baietti

Dr. Rick Brown

Miguel Buker-Huertas

Dr. Lynn Capogdali

Dr. Brian Cecil

Dr. Sherman Clay

Dr. Mark Conrod

Dr. Richard Dietzen

Dr. Timothy Faulkner

Dr. Joseph Ferstl

Dr. David Flatt

Dr.  Janine Fruhling

Dr. Dennis Gerleman

Dr. Quoc Giang

Dr. Rob Gregory

Dr. Chang Han

Adrienne Hersh

Dr. Bridget Horan

Dr. Stuart Hui

Dr. Mark Jacobs

Dr. Thomas Jensen

Dr. John Jonihakis

Dr. Michael Kelly

Dr. Tom Kinsella

Dr. Suzanne Kistner-Davis

Dr. Timothy Kolbaba

Dr. John Kulig

Dr. Dale Lachman

Dr. Phoukhong Lamvichit

Dr. Max Lazarowich

Dr. Ronald Lucas

Dr. Eric Lukosus

Dr. Tony Maghsoudi

Dr. Jeffery Martin

Dr. Joann Maruszak

Dr. Enn Meister

Dr. Kathleen Monaco

Dr. Daniel Mseih

Jerry Nolan

Dr. Clare Ollayos

Dr. Steven Paliakas

Dr. Elizabeth Paunicka

Dr. David Perns

Dr. Leo Potetti

Dr. Michael Quintana

Dr. William Rasmussen

Dr. Vince Roberts

Dr. Kimberly Sheppard

Dr. Christopher Smith

Dr. Panagiota Stasinos

Dr. David Tam

Dr. Mitchell Weiss

Dr. A. Wood Weller

Dr. Kenneth Wiehe

Dr. Brian Woodard

Dr. Robert Zoboski

Dr. John Zozzaro

Chiropractic physicians can continue to donate to the ILChiro PAC throughout the year. Your generosity and support are appreciated at any time. A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is (or will be) available on the Board’s official website (www.elections.il.gov) or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois. Contributions to the ILChiro PAC are not deductible for federal or state income tax purposes.

About Author

Lindsay Wagahoff, MA

Ms. Wagahoff previously held the position of Director of Governmental Relations with the ICS. In addition to her Masters in Political Science, Lindsay has served on staff with the Office of the House Republican Leader as a legislative analyst. Also, she staffed the Human Services Committee (which handles Medicaid), as well as, the appropriations committee for Human Services. Prior to serving in this capacity, Lindsay was the Executive Director of the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation, and brings a full understanding of member relations. Her friendly and bright demeanor and tenacious attitude allowed the Illinois Chiropractic Society to maintain positive health care relationships and advance the chiropractic profession both at the Capitol and with regulatory bodies. Please contact Ben Schwarm with questions related to Government Relations.

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