2005 Legislation

Six thousand two hundred and nine (6,209). That is the number of bills introduced by your Representatives and Senators in Illinois in 2005. Of those bills, 95 affected chiropractic in one way or another. These bills attempted to affect many issues from Physical Therapy changes to ultrasound limitations, from medical malpractice reform to workers compensation revisions.
The Illinois Chiropractic Society lobbied, changed and prevented many bills that adversely affected you and your office:
- Several bills attempted to create a definition of “medical diagnosis” and give Physical Therapists and the ability to diagnose. The language of these bills was CHANGED disallowing direct access and continuing to specifically exclude the practice of chiropractic from the PT’s scope. Contrary to what some local chiropractic groups may tell you, the final bill is NOT an infringement on your scope of practice, according to General Counsel. The ICS working with the Illinois State Medical Society has curtailed the PT’s 20/20 Vision and will continue to contain Physical Therapy with a status as a scripted service.
- Two bills attempted to strike Illinois chiropractors from protection under the Good Samaritan Act. These bills were DEFEATED.
- One bill attempted to require ALL doctors file electronically, effective immediately, thus requiring all doctors to become HIPAA compliant. This bill was DEFEATED.
- One bill would have excluded chiropractors from referring to Athletic Trainers. This bill was CHANGED.
- One bill attempted to prevent chiropractors from administering all types of ultrasound (therapeutic and diagnostic) on pregnant patients. This bill was DEFEATED.
- Several bills sought to limit chiropractic by including the limiting language “practices medicine in all of its branches.” These bills were also CHANGED or DEFEATED.
- Medical Malpractice Reform legislation was passed this year, but not before damaging language was challenged and CHANGED by the ICS.
- A group attempted to work their way into the Medical Practice Act. These bills were DEFEATED.
These are just some examples of the efforts of YOUR lobbyists in Springfield. Although it was a busy session of the General Assembly, once again chiropractic came out on top. The Illinois Chiropractic Society has been defending your license for 79 years and will continue to do so for 79 years to come. Thank you for your continued support of our legislative efforts via your contributions to your local legislators AND your ICS-PAC.