Visionary Leadership in Practice: Dr. Rayner
Dr. Huffman talks with Dr. Ivan Rayner, DC, of Centered Holistic Health, looking at how he practices in Illinois. Watch the video to learn more!
Dr. Huffman:
Hi, Dr. Huffman here from the Illinois Chiropractic Society. The EL is coming so I have to be fast. We’re here in downtown Chicago meeting with Dr. Ivan Rayner of Centered Holistic Health. So as I said, it’s an insider look at how different doctors are practicing in the state of Illinois. Whether it’s their practice style, their specialty, or maybe their focus or their patient population, though it would be very interesting to see how doctors are, are working. So with that said, let’s meet Dr. Rayner. Dr. Rayner, can you just tell us a little bit about your practice?
Dr. Rayner:
My practice is Centered Holistic Health. I’m located in downtown Chicago. I call it Centered Holistic because I try to be patient-centered and really focused on the issues of the person in front of me. It’s holistic because I use multiple avenues or approaches when I treat people. For instance, I use acupuncture, which is an energetic type of medicine, I use chiropractic manipulation to help align the spine and try to remove any restrictions along those lines, I take a look into bloodwork because if we’re chasing after musculoskeletal issues, and it’s really caused because of a nutrient deficiency, or some type of imbalance, it will be detrimental to only look at, you know what’s happening on the surface. So I tried to take a globalized approach, and that’s kind of what makes the actual practice a holistic one.
Dr. Huffman:
Tell us a little bit about the patients that you’re seeing.
Dr. Rayner:
Many people from different walks of life come see me. From the teacher who is stressed out and having back pain to the lawyer who’s just kind of like working in law. I see a lot of runners who get out there. When I got into this field, I really wanted to be the holistic doc for the for the black community. When I was coming up, I used to be really into meditation, and I found that anytime I wanted to do something like that, I had to go to the north side, the north side of Chicago, and I wanted to make sure that the people in the south side had access to that too. That really is one of the things that drives me in what I do.
Dr. Huffman:
Can you tell us a little bit about your background, and what kind of influences have been in your life?
Dr. Rayner:
Well, when I was a Marine, I felt as though one of the things that I need, I had to find something to maintain balance, I mean, mental balance, spiritual balance, because in that environment, there tends to be a lot of anger, and not always do you have the tools that are just healthy to deal with it. So I found meditation, and that just kind of opened up my mind towards everything else in the holistic health the only thing that I can attribute it to, that sounded about right was acupuncture, so I kind of was interested in acupuncture. And that’s one of the seeds that actually led me to become a chiropractor, because here in Illinois, chiropractors can actually practice acupuncture like guys, we are physicians. When I got out of the Marines, I was an educator, a teacher, and that actually influences my practice as a chiropractor, because when I work with the person, I’ll find myself explaining the rationality behind whatever I’m doing, whether it’s working on some soft tissue, acupuncture, I tend to nerd out and tell them about the meridians that I’m adjusting, and how it may impact certain things. While I was teaching, I was actually a massage therapist on you know, so I do have a respect for soft tissue. And that influences my practice here today. In addition, because I tend to be more multifaceted, and you really bring in this whole, you know, the many different tools to approach this thing.
Dr. Huffman:
Share with us some of the things that you may have learned in your life and in your practice.
Dr. Rayner:
So one of the things that I learned from my patients when they come see me Is there really is an appreciation for my treatment style. A lot of times people come see me after they’ve been to many other different types of chiropractors out there. They never really felt as though their own individual needs were met. They felt like they were just part of this big process, but the process didn’t really pay attention to them. And they will push into things… to try to focus on the healing aspect of this position. So I learned a lot about myself in this because I find that that I really can’t force myself to do things that I really don’t want to do and I just got to practice the way that I like to then it works for me and works for the patients.
Dr. Huffman:
Thank you, Dr. Rayner, for sharing with us today. We look forward to seeing you at our next episode of Impact until then stay healthy and safe.