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Write on your personal or business letterhead, if possible, and sign your name over your typed signature at the end of your message. Be sure to include your exact return address on the letter, not just the envelope. Envelopes sometimes get thrown away by staff before the letter is answered.
Legislators want to know your own thoughts and opinions. A former Congressman once said, “Your letter, if routine, will get routine treatment. But if it is special for whatever reason, it will deserve and get special treatment.”
The following are some letter writing best practices:
After the bill comes for a vote, write a second letter thanking the legislator for his/her support. This acknowledgment encourages continued assistance in the future.
Legislative addresses can be easily found on www.ilga.gov. Simply use the drop down menu at the top for “House” or “Senate” then select “Members.” You should easily find all the contact information by selecting your desired official in the alphabetized list. Be sure to address your letters in the following format:
State Representative
The Honorable John Doe
State Capitol
Room ###
Springfield, IL 62701
Dear Representative Doe:
State Senator
The Honorable Jane Doe
State Capitol
Room ###
Springfield, IL 62701
Dear Senator Doe: