Pinterest for Business

What is Pinterest?
Much like Instagram, Pinterest appeals to the creative visual side. Users save “Pins” to boards, which allows them to keep ideas organized and easy to find. They can also follow other people or boards that are saving ideas of similar interests. A Pin is simply any image or video that someone chooses to save to Pinterest. For businesses, more important than the image itself is the link: Every pin links back to the original source, so Pinterest can be a great source of referral traffic. Over 175 million people come to Pinterest every month looking to discover new ideas and products.
Why Pinterest?
Businesses now have the opportunity to create their own Pins to highlight certain products, build brand awareness, and increase sales. There are many great professional features including Buyable Pins, insight and analytics, and email updates. One of the great aspects of Pinterest is that it is a social media platform for everyone. 68 percent of U.S. women between the ages of 25 and 54 use Pinterest, and 40 percent of new users are men. This means you have a lot of opportunities to reach many different markets. Be sure to keep track of who’s looking at your Pinterest so you can keep your content relevant and interesting. Check out some 2018 Trend Predictions to help you plan what types of Health and Wellness Pins you want to post this year! Also, did we mention that according to eMarketer, only Facebook outranks Pinterest in terms of influencing U.S. social media users’ purchasing decisions? Now that’s a great reason to sign up!

How to Get Started
It only takes about 15 seconds to sign up for a free Pinterest for a business account! If you already have a personal account, you can convert to a business account however, I would suggest keeping your business page separate to ensure it stays professional and on point with your brand. When you are ready to join, go to Pinterest.com and click “Join as a business”. You will then be instructed to enter your information. After that process is completed, you are going to set up your business profile. People visit your profile to learn more about you! Just as a tip, you should use your company logo as your picture so it’s easy for people to identify your business when they are looking at Pins. Make sure the “about you” field helps explain what makes you and your business special. More than anything else, unique content will help you reach your goal!
Pinterest for Chiropractic
In our office, we also use this platform to promote lifestyle tips, healthy recipes, and motivational materials. It can help you establish yourself as a trusted expert. You can personalize your boards to promote the techniques, services and products your office specializes in. Do you practice “straight” chiropractic? Post pins that show different techniques you practice. Do you specialize in rehab or sports? There are TONS of options there – focus on your target market – football injuries, gymnastics, injury prevention, taping, etc. Do you focus on pre/post natal clients? What other things should pregnant moms be doing at home to improve their health? Pin ‘em!