Personal Reflections

On my first day at Logan 24 years ago, all the students in that Tri 1 class were asked to introduce themselves one at a time and give a brief history as to why they had chosen chiropractic as a career. I wish I had a video of that day but I do remember some of the explanations like it were yesterday.
Sherm (nickname) made sure we knew he was a Red Sox fan. Chuck explained his desire to give back to the world as inspired by Zig Zigler. A few were very shy and spoke very little while others were given the hook after rambling on and on. Many related their own chiropractic story and how they wanted to help others in the same way. Some were future acupuncturists, future sports docs, and future medical doctors.
Vividly, I remember one student declare he was in it for the money. He boasted on the first day about the piles of money he would make as a DC and he was dead serious. As the next four years played out, he fell back a few classes and I am not sure if he ever graduated. I remember thinking how disappointed his patients would be once they got to know him.
Recently, two occasions have reminded me what passionate caring for people looks and feels like.
In one instance, it was the care giving of a wife for her dying husband. Knowing the impending outcome, she dutifully cared for her soul mate with unwavering commitment and ignored her own needs to provide for his. Feeling the depth of the pain and eventual loss and subsequent loneliness with no earthly reward was her task to share with no one. She didn’t complain, she simply lived out her love for her husband. I had wonderful parents.
I have been blessed to know and learn from many great professionals. One doctor though has shown me daily what compassionate care looks like. He hugs firmer, cries harder, laughs louder and listens better than any doctor I have ever encountered. He respects and advocates for patients like he was their brother. Good luck getting an appointment with him. His patients absolutely adore him, and for good reason. Money has never been a motivating reason to provide this excellent patient care; he does it because he simply loves people. Thank you Dr. Bob Langman for your mentoring and friendship.
When caring for people is your life’s work, the numbers will take care of themselves or simply matter less. Sometimes, we all need to be reminded of that.