Dr. Yoss Recognized by Chicago Bulls’ Derrick Rose

After receiving a shout out by Chicago Bulls Point Guard Derrick Rose, ICS member Dr. Stuart Yoss was featured in a recent article by the Chicago Tribune. The ICS released the following press release:
Illinois Chiropractic Society (ICS) member Stuart Yoss was recognized by Chicago Bulls Point Guard Derrick Rose. In an interview with ESPN, Rose credited the Bannockburn physician by saying “the whole week I was seeing a great chiropractor, Stuart Yoss. He did a great job on getting me back.” Rose had been sidelined by back spasms and returned to play on Monday, leading the Bulls to a 90-79 victory of the Atlanta Hawks with 23 points, six assists, five rebounds, and four turnovers.
Yoss, a 17-year veteran with Bannockburn Chiropractic and Sports Injury Center and huge sports fan, has treated patients with the Chicago Bears, White Sox, and Blackhawks. When asked about his treatment of Rose, Yoss told the Chicago Tribune, “Just to be part of and included in his care was an honor.” After missing five games, the longest in Rose’s career, the focus now shifts on keeping him on the court.
Yoss was working, seeing patients on President’s Day when Rose was interviewed by ESPN’s Doris Burke. Family and friends began texting the doctor, and sent him the clip. “I was shocked. To hear my name on SportsCenter was above and beyond” Yoss told the Tribune.
ICS President David Flatt was not surprised to hear Rose credit Dr. Yoss. “Chiropractic treatment is an accepted and important component of sports injury treatment. Professional athletes across all sports depend on chiropractic physicians to both help prevent injuries and recover quickly from injuries. Our skill set is unique and valued. Many college and high school teams likewise are seeing the benefit in conservative chiropractic care and increasing access for their athletes. Working together as part of the overall healthcare team benefits the patients and athletes we serve.”
The Illinois Chiropractic Society represents the chiropractic profession in Illinois. ICS was established in 1926 as a non-profit organization and is acknowledged in the Illinois Medical Practice Act of 1987. ICS promotes and advances professional standards of ethics, education, training and quality health care for all. As the organizational representative of the chiropractic profession in Illinois, ICS is active in protecting patients’ rights, in serving the community, and promoting interaction with other healthcare professions and service organizations.