Creating a CME Transcript
Discover the easiest way to access a comprehensive transcript of all the courses you’ve taken. With just a few simple steps, you can unveil your entire educational journey. Watch the video to learn more!
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Direct Access to Your Transcript
Are you looking to find a list of all the courses that you have taken during this licensure period? Actually, it’s quite simple. And you can just jump out to your account at any time and get a full transcript, there’s two ways that you can access and get there. One is, if you’re at our main website page, all you have to do is actually select click here to access your member account. Once you’re there, make sure that you select the CME transcript tab right here down at the bottom portion of your screen in the tabs. Once this comes up, then you’re able to access where that transcript is located.
Now, if you’re at a different spot, or you want to go directly to that transcript, it’s really simple actually, you just go to ilchiro.org/mytranscript. And it will actually take you right through the transcript page. And it should be no problem at that state, double check that at you. And then at that stage, you can begin to filter and you can filter for the appropriate dates. Because right now that transcript actually includes everything that you have taken from us both live and in person. And any courses that you have added, it automatically puts them right here in this transcript. So you want to make sure that you filter from the appropriate date to the appropriate date. So the easy one of these two is actually the end of July, the end of July of 2023 is all physicians are all chiropractic physicians renewal date. So go ahead and just enter 7-31-2023 Because of the pandemic and delays related to pandemic, this next the start date here is a bit more difficult, a bit more complicated, and just depending on your individual situation. So first of all, if you did not utilize the extra two months, that IDF PR gave physicians to be able to complete their CME and renew their license, then the earliest this, this date would be would be 8-1-2020. So 8-1-2020 began the renewal cycle, and it ends on 7-31- 2023. That’s a full three-year period. However, with a two-month delay, many doctors actually obtained quite a bit of their education in those last two months. In fact, the vast majority of doctors at least what we found in talking with them and experiencing what we see through the approval process here at the Illinois Chiropractic Society, what we have found is the vast majority of doctors took advantage of those two months, and a lot of people took hours during those two months. So at that stage, the easiest cleanest way to handle this from here is actually begin this date. And don’t take advantage of that or don’t don’t include those two months, you would enter 10-1-2020. Now, you can also use the selector to go back and forth between the months to be able to select that beginning period.
Now this is really important. The reason why you can’t just go back to August 1 is because you cannot count your credits twice. In other words, if you use them to renew your license in 2020. So let’s say you took it on on September 1 of 2020 at class on September 1 of 2020. And that was a part of your 150 hours for 2020. You can’t then take that same class and counted towards this three-year renewal cycle. So you have to start after that timeframe. And in this case, you’re going to select 10-1-2020 through September 31, 2023. When that’s completed, just click the search button, you’ll see the list come up down below at any point in time, then you can click the Download Transcript button, and it will immediately download the full transcript in PDF format. And at that stage, then you can save that to your computer and you can also print it whatever is most convenient for you. We also recommend saving an electronic version as well. And you will see that your hours are broken down by both category one and category two hours as well as the individual courses themselves.
Additionally, in this, remember that it’s just a transcript that is not actually the individual certificate. So when you are audited, you want to make sure that you have those individual certificates. If you don’t have a file of all those individual certificates, then this is where you can also come in and actually click and gain your certificates. If they have not if you haven’t completed a required portion, it will pop up and tell you what to complete. And then at that stage, you can download and print the certificate and have it emailed to your email address. All of those things are possible right here.
Now, let’s say you’ve taken courses outside of the ICS and you want to make sure that they’re also included in that in that quick easy transcript not a problem. You can click on the add courses button, fill out their required portions of this, and in your notes I would include exactly, you know where you took it the address that would help clarify and would also be included in the notes portion of your transcript. So include that in the note as well. And if you received a certificate and you want to upload that, so you have an electronic copy saved as well, you can actually upload the certificate right here and this add course, this is only for courses that are taken that are not approved by the Illinois Chiropractic Society. So if they were approved by someone else, this is where you would enter and then it would upload them into your transcript and keep that electronic copy. And you would have that as a part of your record. And we keep track of all of that for you, as well electronically and it’s accessible to you at any point in time whenever you would like. That’s how you develop your transcript or that’s how you create your transcript. That’s how you can see a full listing of where everything is and what it is and, and hopefully, this helps you out and we’ll catch you next week.