The ICS Sees Statehouse Success!

Another legislative session has come to an end (almost) and the state of Illinois still has no budget in place for the next fiscal year. The final days before the General Assembly recessed saw a lot of action under the Capitol dome including the passage of many bills. The ICS saw positive action on both ICS sponsored legislation as well as legislation that will positively impact chiropractic physicians in Illinois. Thanks to the support of ICS members and the active participation of many chiropractic physicians in Illinois, the profession had another positive year at the State House.
HB 5079
One of the biggest victories for DC’s in Springfield this year was the passage of House Bill 5079 which allows for chiropractic physicians to assist patients during an External Health Carrier Review. The ICS introduced this legislation with the help of Rep. Greg Harris (D-13) after the General Assembly passed the Health Carrier External Review Act last legislative session. The Health Carrier External Review Act was set up to provide patients an additional and external avenue for appealing claims denied by an insurance provider. As Primary Care Physicians in Illinois, DC’s had a vested interest in seeing the Act passed.
If House Bill 5079 becomes law with the Governor’s signature, it will ensure that chiropractic physicians are able to participate in the review process. The bill provides them with the opportunity to assist their patients in disputes between the insured and the insurance provider. Chiropractic physicians will be allowed to provide information and evidence to prove a given treatment was medically necessary, and therefore should be a covered service. This process was created and is intended for claims that are denied by the insurance provider for being “Experimental and/or Investigational.” Previous to this legislation, the ability for a physician to participate in an External Review was limited to medical and osteopathic physicians.
Fee Splitting
In addition to this important change for chiropractic physicians, another bill has passed the legislature which will positively impact many healthcare providers throughout the state. In recent years the question of fee splitting among healthcare professionals has become more and more of a problem for doctors, staff and even the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR). Recently the IDFPR made statements that Physical Therapists should not and could not work directly for a physician or a physician-owned Medical Corporation without violating the fee-splitting provisions included in the Physical Therapy Act. One physical therapy group even went to the extent of notifying all licensed PT’s in Illinois that if they were employed by a physician, they were in violation of their license.
In response to this revelation, legislation was introduced to clarify and amend many of the Acts that license healthcare providers in Illinois. The goal of the legislation was to clarify and improve the fee-splitting language in all the acts that license health professionals so that employment relationships could continue and even improve by allowing employers to offer certain types of retirement and incentive packages to employees. There has been a serious concern that the IDFPR would start seeking out violations of the fee-splitting provisions and punishing any person found in violation, so as to enforce the code evenly across all professions.
Opposition to the Legislation
The ICS supported the various drafts of the legislation. Unfortunately not all groups affected by the proposed changes supported the bill; in fact, one association that represents Physical Therapists in Illinois stood adamantly opposed to the legislation. Several Physical Therapy practitioners actively opposed their associations’ stance on the fee-splitting changes when they came to Springfield to testify in support of this legislation in committee. While efforts to reach an amicable agreement among the PT’s, the IDFPR and Physicians’ groups were unsuccessful, the legislation did move forward without the support of the Physical Therapist groups, and it is now headed to the Governor’s desk for approval.
These bills are just a glimpse into the various types of legislation that the ICS was working on over the past several months. Bills like these are introduced every session of the General Assembly and the Illinois Chiropractic Society is proud to actively monitor and advance legislation that affect and benefit the chiropractic profession in Illinois. Our efforts to alter and improve the standing and treatment of chiropractic physicians do not end when, and if, the legislature adjourns. Our “off-season” schedule has already started to take shape and we look forward to working on many important issues for over the next several months. If you would like to know more, please feel free to contact the ICS Department of Governmental Relations.
Capitol Conference Recap
On April 14, 2010, ICS members came to Springfield to lobby their legislators on behalf of the chiropractic profession. The day was exciting, informative and educational for all involved. Attendees enjoyed a full day of activities including meeting with a legislator who sponsored ICS initiatives, meeting with their legislators in their offices and outside the House and Senate chambers, and even watch ICS legislation advance through a committee hearing. In total, the day was a great success and provided a little look into A Day in the Life at the Illinois State House.
Our day started out with a legislative briefing and lunch just across the street from the capitol building. We brought doctors from around the state up to speed on all ICS initiatives, as well as bills that required defensive positioning by the ICS. The briefing included a full overview of the day’s activities; a tutorial covering the Capitol Complex; a “How To” on lobbying; and what they could expect from the legislature’s schedule.
After the morning briefing, ICS staff and attendees moved over to the State House to begin the advocacy efforts of the day. Once in the capitol, the doctors were able to fully grasp the often hectic nature of the legislative process. Despite multiple groups advocating for various causes in and around the State House, all attendees were able to meet with at least one of their legislators and most were able to get time with multiple legislators representing the districts where they live and practice. Efforts like these have long lasting results that can not be understated. By building ties with individual elected officials and informing them of the benefits of chiropractic medicine, the ICS will reap very real rewards in future years.
Special Guest
The day included a talk from a special guest and sponsor of several pieces of ICS legislation, Representative Greg Harris (D-13), who took time out of his schedule to speak with our doctors. Rep. Harris provided a recap of the legislative session thus far and included a few of his own insights into the budget process and advancements in laws that affect healthcare professionals. Armed with additional insight and energy, attendees continued their one-on-one and group lobbying efforts, including attending an important Senate Committee Hearing.
It was a day of happy coincidences for the ICS and for Cap-Con attendees. As it turned out, the Illinois Senate had scheduled a Senate Insurance Committee hearing the afternoon of our Capitol Conference. Doctors were able to watch and participate in the legislative process as an ICS sponsored piece of legislation (HB 5079) was heard and promptly passed out of the committee. Several of the doctors in attendance put in slips of support for the ICS bill and were read into the record as proponents of the bill. It was an exciting way to cap off the day’s activities at the Capitol.
Following the committee hearing, Capitol Conference attendees and ICS staff retired to The State House Inn for our Second Annual Legislative Reception. At the reception, the attendees played host to several Illinois legislators, their staff, and even some Statewide office seekers as they stopped in for some heavy hors d’oeuvres and drinks. The reception was both fun and productive. Doctors were able to socialize with elected officials while continuing to educate them on the interests and challenges that chiropractic physicians face on a daily basis. In total it was another great event for the ICS and for our doctors. Please keep your eyes out for information regarding next year’s Capitol Conference — I hope to see you there.