The CDC updated the list of symptoms without fanfare a few weeks ago and most of those changes have been reflected in the new screening documents below. Although there are a few symptoms on their list that are not included in the screening tools below, we are using both IDFPR symptom listing and the symptoms listed in the CDC self-checker.
ICS Members can download a Patient Screening Document form here.
ICS Members can download a Staff Member Screening Document form here.
In Illinois’ new guidelines, DCEO is specifically requiring ALL businesses to screen employees at the beginning of their shift AND mid-shift. This means that chiropractic physicians must screen all employees (including themselves) at the beginning of the day and at least once later in their shift – No fewer than twice daily. You can use the download above to document compliance.
The patient screening documents can be included in their file, and staff screening documents can be kept in separate files for each employee. [Updated 7/6/2020] CDC added several more symptoms a few weeks ago. Please see the current CDC information regarding symptoms.
Forms require an active/current membership with the ICS in order to download.