ICS Member Wins ChiroHealthUSA Sweepstakes!
Dr. Tana Frisina of Springfield won the ChiroHealthUSA Discount Challenge Sweepstakes – $15,024. Congratulations Dr. Frisina!
Marc Abla:
So we’re here at Dr. Frisina’s. And we had our special friends at Chirohealth USA, Dr. Foxworth, and Christy both asked us to come and present you with something if you weren’t already aware. They, they’re big. They’re big discount challenge sweepstakes that they ran. And you were one of almost 2000 entries. You won $15,000 bucks. So I brought you. I have actually brought you the check.
Dr. Frisina:
Marc Abla:
So, here is the personalized check, and they also wanted us to give you some flowers and just say thank you, and thank you for participating in the Sweepstakes. And of course, from the Illinois chiropractic society, we get the chance to say thank you for being a member and a huge supporter of chiropractic and, being a part of our association.
Dr. Frisina:
It’s an honor so thank you so much Chirohealth USA it is gonna go to a good cause. And thanks to the ICS you guys do so much for us. I’m just speechless, honestly. So Well, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.