Dr. David Flatt receives the prestigious Chiropractic Physician of the Year Award

The Illinois Chiropractic Society (ICS) is proud to announce Dr. David Flatt, chiropractic physician, as the recipient of the 2015 Chiropractic Physician of the Year award. Dr. Flatt, a full-time practitioner in St. Charles, Illinois, was selected for his leadership as a visionary leader and motivated contributor for the profession and a passionate learner dedicated to the outstanding treatment of his patients.
In addition to his abilities and exceptional contributions to the health of his patients, Dr. David Flatt gives back to the profession by guest lecturing for national organizations and the Illinois Chiropractic Society, serving over nine years on the ICS Board of Directors culminating in his election as Board President, and by making substantial and pivotal contributions to the ICS mission. Additionally, Dr. Flatt has exhibited a career-long objective of excellence, beginning in chiropractic school with his participation in a highly regarded hospital externship, followed by his post-graduate training and certification by the American Board of Chiropractic Orthopedists.
“Dr. Flatt became a trailblazer of medical integration in 2001 when he joined a large medical practice as the first chiropractic partner,” said Dr. Joseph Ferstl, ICS President. “He fulfills a weighty responsibility by representing the chiropractic profession proudly in a groundbreaking, integrated health care environment.”
Dr. David Flatt continues to advance the profession through the publication of dozens of scholarly articles, and through his service as Orthopedics instructor for Logan University’s Post-Graduate Masters Program.