Doctors Making a Difference for the Profession
Nominate a standout chiropractic physician for the 2024 Chiropractic Physician of the Year award by submitting their achievements and supporting documentation. Celebrate those making exceptional contributions to chiropractic care and their communities.
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Chiropractic Physician of the Year Nominations
Do you have a colleague or is your physician exceptional for the chiropractic profession and for your community? The Illinois Chiropractic Society loves to honor our members when they go above and beyond. So we have opened our 2024 Chiropractic Physician of the Year nominations, and we really do want your input. So if you have a colleague that you have recognized has done an exceptional job, or if you’re a staff member of a doctor, who has made an unbelievable impact in their community and to the chiropractic profession, we want you to submit your nominations to the Illinois Chiropractic Society. For our Chiropractic Physician of the Year award.
You can do that by emailing CPOY, that stands for chiropractic physician of the year, but cpoy@ilchiro.org, and I’ll include that down below in the link but cpoy@ilchiro.org. Include any and all information that you have, that demonstrates that they have gone above and beyond. If you’ve got a CV for them, if you have any articles or news pieces that have been done, or any letters of support from other colleagues or from you as a staff member, if you’re submitting it, anything that you can provide that would enable the committee that reviews all of the nominations to recognize exactly what they have done to go above and beyond for the community and for the chiropractic profession. Please submit your nominations. We want to hear from you and we want to recognize our members who have made a difference for the chiropractic profession. Thank you and we will catch you next week.