Did you receive a BCBSil Warning Letter?

Update (June 23, 2021): The Illinois Chiropractic Society is continuing to gather and analyze the survey results. Of the early survey submissions (hundreds), more than 75% of respondents indicated that they received a letter this week from BCBSIL. Additionally, we will be meeting in the coming weeks on this issue with representatives from BCBSIL. If you participated in the survey, thank you. If you have not, please click the link below and complete the survey.
The Illinois Chiropractic Society began receiving messages and calls last weekend regarding a Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) letter that was received by chiropractic physicians around the state. The letter stated that the recipient’s “practice was identified as an outlier […] for claims submitted to BCBSIL during dates of service March 1, 2020, through February 29, 2021, for Chiropractic Manipulative Treatment (CMT) codes bill with Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) codes 98940 through 98943.”
Based on calls to the ICS and the statistical information cited by BCBSIL within the letter, we believe that over 500 doctors received the letter. In short, if you received this letter, you are not alone.
In order to address the letter effectively, the Illinois Chiropractic Society needs important information from YOU. We are asking that you complete a two-question survey anonymously. We want to protect your individual privacy, and thus we will not ask for any contact information or names. The survey will allow us to better address our concerns and accurately represent the profession.